I really hate statistics.
I mean, there's this love/hate relationship going on. Statistics are great, except when they confuse me. I have to do a research project and utilize the General Social Survey through SPSS (ok, probably no one knows what that is besides me, but w/e). The project fucking sucks. Seriously, I've never done something that sucks so much. SPSS is deciding not to work, so whenever I get my results, it won't load the page. It'd be wonderful if I could figure out if my ANOVAs are working.
In laymen's terms: STATISTICS BLOW.
>:( H8H8H8H8H8H8.
Statistical Package for Social Sciences program.
I only know 'cause my little sister is taking a bioeconomics class.
Not because I'm a super genius.
But she does curse like a drunken sailor about it too.
So you're not alone, hahaha.